Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 14
Legal Environment : Chapter 15
The global legal environment refers to the legal environment in international business. The legal environment regulates the operations of firms in international markets. It is sufficient for a firm operating at the domestic level to stick to regulations of the land, but organizations operating in different countries need to know and comply with the laws of the domestic country as well as all the host countries they operate in.
Governments impose laws to protect the home industry from cut- throat global competition. They impose different kinds of tariffs, enter into agreements and sign treaties to protect indigenous industry and promote local trade. When governments feel that the home industry is affected because of dumping, under Article VI of GATT, they can impose heavy anti-dumping duties. To protect domestic industry, they can also impose non-tariff barriers and frame regulations on foreign investments.
Legal Environment- An Overview
pecial Duties
Ad Valorem Duties
Compound Duties
Non-tariff Barriers
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Technical Standards
Trade in Textiles and the MFA
Anti Dumping Laws
Foreign Investment Regulations
Foreign Investment Regulations in the US
Foreign Investment Regulations in India
Foreign Investment Regulations in China
Foreign Investment Regulations in Japan
Litigation and Dispute Settlement
Cyber Laws
Combating Cyber Crime
Cyber Laws in the US
Digital and Electronic Signatures
Cyber laws in India
INCO Terms
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